Listing your token on our platform is straightforward. You can choose one of the following methods to get your token listed:
You can add your token to the default Dex223 token list. This token list is enabled by default in our user interface and therefore all the tokens present in the default list are displayed to a user. Note that any user can disable this token list in their interface so they can opt out from seeing tokens present in the list.
To add a new token to the default token list of Dex223 you can fill in an issue on our github. Dex223 team will review the listing application and the response will be provided in the corresponding issue comment thread on github.
You can list a token to any auto-listing contract. Users may enable or disable auto-listing contracts in their interface at any time. Your token will be displayed to a user if it is present in at least one of the listing contracts or token lists currently enabled in the user"s interface. The user will also see a number of token lists that your token is present in therefore if your token is present in multiple token lists enabled in the user"s interface then your token will gain higher trust. Listing contracts may have different listing criteria, some require payment to be made and others may be free.
You can list a token to an auto-listing contract without interacting with the Dex223 team as the process is fully automated.
Tokenlists is a project by Uniswap Labs, visit for more info.
Tokenlists are maintained by trusted ecosystem entities such as coinmarketcap or coingecko. If you can get your token listed to any of the tokenlists then Dex223 users will be able to see your token in their interface by enabling that tokenlist. Note that most token lists only support ERC-20 tokens yet.
The most recent block number on this network.
Prices update on every block.